My son is SEVEN and a half months old. That’s SEVEN and a half months that I have stepped back from my career to experience the ins and outs of becoming a mum.
For the first time in my life I had a chance to catch my breath and really reflect on everything – nothing like being trapped under a sleeping baby, with zero power on your phone to make you really sit still and contemplate life.
I started to realize that I genuinely missed the thrill in the challenges my career presents me with.
I LOVE my son more than anything and I would not change becoming a mum. And yet, I have so much passion towards my career. I face the dreaded dilemma – ‘Should I stay? Or should I go…back to work?”
If I return to my career before my 1 year maternity leave is up, does this define me as a bad mum? Am I depriving my son of a mother’s love? How horrible of a mum am I that I willingly want to return to the workforce?
These are the thoughts that pollute my mind and cloud my judgment, making me second-guess my decision to return to my career. And the answer for me is honestly quite simple.
Why can’t I be successful in my career and a kick ass mum?
I can!
And as you read this, I have officially started my first day back at the office. It is going to look different than what I have been used to. And I am going to be challenged in different ways both at the office and as a mum.
Even as I write this post my heart is literally melting at the thought of being away from my son for 8 hours a day and I am tearing up in the Starbucks. And at the same time I could not be more EXCITED for the days to come!
Bring on the coffee! Bring on the early mornings and sporting blazers covered in baby drool! Hey CAREER I am ready for you! Well at the moment I am….keep you posted!
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